Interactive Ceilidh Course c unit 4


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The unit contains the following exercises.

ai1 ASCII to integer (question)
ai2 ASCII to Integer 2 (question)
bg Bicycle Gears (question)
f-c Print table of Fahrenheit to Celsius (question)
hal Program to print the Halberstam sequence (question)
int Compound interest (question)
lvc Letter and vowel count for a piece of text (question)
ocp Opening and closing parentheses (question)
pay Pay from hours and rate (question)
r13 Encryption of text using rotate 13 (question)
ssr Overall student/staff ratios (question)
sum Compute sum and average values (question)
ude Up-down-equal (question)
wds Separate text into one word per line (question)
ypp Yuan to pounds again (question)

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