Ceilidh Course "c" on the WWW

Introduction to Programming in C

You may view the course message of the day (set by the teacher). For brief details of the course read the course summary (ASCII). There are some more detailed some general notes (ASCII) concerned with the whole of this course. The list of course teachers is relevant only to Nottingham users. The list of course tutors is relevant only to Nottingham users.


The course is composed of the following units.

1 Introduction (HTML notes)
2 Basics (HTML notes)
3 If and switch (HTML notes)
4 Loops (HTML notes)
5 Arrays and structures (HTML notes)
6 Pointers (HTML notes)
7 Functions (HTML notes)
8 File input/output (HTML notes)
9 Process management (HTML notes)
10 Miscellaneous (HTML notes)

You may wish to see which exercises are available for submission and which exercises have public solutions.

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