11.10. Some of the features of Level 2
- Filters
- Filters transform data as they are sent to or written to a file.
Extensions in this area have greatly improved performance. The
encoding, decoding, compression and decompression of data have
been improved so as to reduce the amount of storage space used.
- Optimized graphics operators
- Rectangle operator which is used for filling, clipping and stroking rectangle and is
highly optimized. Filling a rectangle is now three times faster
than an equivalent moveto, lineto, lineto, lineto, closepath,
fill. A user path cache is used to optimize interpretation of
user paths that are invoked repeatedly.
- Optimized text operators
- A selectfont operator is introduced to optimize the switching between fonts by
using a caching mechanism. The operators that do the clipping,
filling, stroking etc, were optimised. Half-tone specifiers were
improved so as to get a more precise way of representing half-
tone dots.
- Images
- Several enhancements to the facilities for painting sampled images. For example,
use of any colour space, direct use of files as data sources.
- Composite Fonts
- These fonts provide a page description language for international business.
Fonts were of a limited range when PostScript was first
introduced. It had only enough room to encode 256 distinct
characters. With the new improvements, font encoding of large
character sets was made possible. Non-horizontal writing is now
possible and the inclusion of metrics in the font allows the
setting character spacing.
- New Colour Spaces
- There are three classes of color spaces in PostScript 2 which are device
independent, special and device dependent. An example of device
independent colour space is CIEBasedABC colour space which is
defined in terms of a two-stage, non-linear transformation of the
CIE 1931 (XYZ)-space. An example of special colour space is the
pattern colour space which enables painting with a that are to be
painted. An examplr of device dependent colour space is the
DeviceRGB which is same as the existing RGB colour model. When
PostScript was first introduced, the colour could only be
specified with the red-green-blue (RGB) and hue-saturation-
brightness (HSB) colour models. With the new improvements, the
colour could be specified with cyan-magenta-yellow-black (CMYB)
colour models. The improvements also include colour
transformations for colour components, under-colour removal and a
colour image operator that renders colour image samples.
- The use of Forms.
- The use of forms, such as letter heads etc, has made the language more
convenient. Forms are self-contained descriptions of graphics
that could be painted on several pages at different locations on
a page.
- Display PostScript extentions.
- This allowed the PostScript imaging model to deal specifically with
displays and windowing systems and optimised operators to
increase efficiency and performance. (See later.)
There were quite a number of other improvements such as :
Improvements for printer support.
Improvements in image and pattern processing.
Improvements on resources , dictionaries, etc.
All these improvements were made to increase efficiency,
performance, flexibility and convenience.