7.13. Radiosity related links
7.13.1. Technical Reports
7.13.2. Links to articles and technical reports
- Improved Explicit Radiosity Method for Calculatin Non-Lambertian Reflection.
- Aupperle.L. Hierarchical Algorithms for Illumination (Thesis)
- Aupperle.L, P.Hanrahan. A Hierarchical Illumination Algorithm for Surfaces with Glossy Reflection.Dansking.J,P.Hanrahan. Fast Algorithms for Volume Ray Tracing. BU BR
- Gershbein.R, P.Schroder, P.Hanrahan. Textures and Radiosity:Controlling Emission and Reflection with Texture Maps.
- Goral.S,M.F.Cohen, P.Slusalledk. Radiosity and Relaxation Methods.
- Hanrahan.P,D,Mitchell. Illumination from Curved Reflectors.
- Hanrahan.P, D.Salzman (1990) A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm for Unoccluded Environments
- Hanrahan.P, D.Salzman,L.Aupperle (1991) A Rapid Hierarchical Radiosity Algorithm. Procceedings of SIGGRAPH 91
- Lischinski.D,F.Tampieri,D.Greenberg. Improving Sampling and Reconstruction Techniques for Radiosity.
- Rushmeier.H.E. Radiosity Methods for Volume Rendering.
- Schroder.P. Numerical Integration for Radiosity in the Presence of Singularities.
- Schroder.P, S.J.Gortler, M.Cohen, P.Hanrahan. Wavelet Projections for Radiosity.
- Schroder.P, S.J.Gortler, M.Cohen, P.Hanrahan. Wavelet Radiosity.
- Schroder.P,P.Hanranhan On the Form Factor between Two Polygons
- Schroder.P,P.Hanranhan. Wavelet Methods for Radiance Computations.
- Tamiperi.F. Discontinuity Meshing for Radiosity Image Synthesis
- Teller.S, C.Fowler, T.Funkhowser, P.Hanrahan. Partitioning and Ordering Large Radiosity Computations.
- Teller.S, P.Hanranhan. Visibility Computations for Global Illumination Algorithms.
- Tumblin.J, H.Rushmeir. Tone Reproduction for Realistic Computer Generated Images.
- Watson.B, L.F.Hodges. Rendering Cubic Curves.
7.13.3. Pretty pictures
7.13.4. Radiance software
7.13.5. Raytracing
7.13.6. Other links