2.10. Resize Requests   

To make a simple resize request from a widget, you can use XtMakeResizeRequest as an alternative to XtMakeGeometryRequest.

XtGeometryResult XtMakeResizeRequest(w, width, height, width_return, height_return)
Widget w;
Dimension width, height;
Dimension *width_return, *height_return;
w Specifies the widget making the request. Must be of class RectObj or any subclass thereof.
Specify the desired widget width and height.
Return the allowed widget width and height.
The XtMakeResizeRequest function, a simple interface to XtMakeGeometryRequest, creates an XtWidgetGeometry structure and specifies that width and height should change by setting request_mode to CWWidth | CWHeight. The geometry manager is free to modify any of the other window attributes (position or stacking order) to satisfy the resize request. If the return value is XtGeometryAlmost, width_return and height_return contain a compromise width and height. If these are acceptable, the widget should immediately call XtMakeResizeRequest again and request that the compromise width and height be applied. If the widget is not interested in XtGeometryAlmost replies, it can pass NULL for width_return and height_return.