Free Widget Foundation   

Remember to set your server control to xhost before running these programs. Also they will not work if you are using a proxy server or you are running your browser on a machine different from the one you are displaying it on.

DirT : A set of machine independent (hopefully) routines and data
structures for accessing directories and the list of contents
of directories. None of this code depends on X, and cane be
used for other programs. It is included, because the
FileSelector widget uses it.
EzMenuT : A package to construct simple menus from resource descriptions
which is much more pleasant than writing the C code to do it,
MultiListT : A multiple selection List widget, which extends the Athena
List widget to allow more than one item to be selected, and
provides highlight colors and query routines.
ScrolledListT : A vertically scrolling multiple selection list widget.
HistogramT : An autoscaling widget that places floating point data samples
into a labeled histogram graph. Not all of the resource
parameters are currently supported.
ShistogramT : This is another implementation of a histogram widget.
FileSelectorT : A hierarchical file selection widget that allows perusing
of directory tree, and selection of files. It has two panes,
the left lists the directory path from the root of the file
system to the current directory, and the right pane shows the
contents of the current directory.
FileCompT : A file selection widget that performs emacs-style file
completion and ~user expansion. It also allows double
clicking for selection of files and navigation of
directories. It is amd(8) friendly. It has a text widget
at the top, a list of files on the bottom left and a
buttonbox on the bottom right. Programmers can restrict
files listed on the basis of filename, file stats or both.
FileChooserT : Another (simpler) hierachical file chooser widget, based
on FileSelector. It has no buttons or text widgets, just
a list of files and a menu for ancestor directories,
similar to the Macintosh (tm) interface.
PixelEditorT : An widget that handles many burdens of editing images. The
image is given to the widget, and the widget edits the image
based on the user action and the tool the user is currently
using. Different brush shapes, cut/copy/paste, flip, fill,
load/save, and zoom are some of the functions supported. A
bitmap/pixmap editor program is provided in PixelEditor_test.
This originally intended to sever as a simple test of the
PixelEditor widget, it soon grew into a fairly usable image
editing tool. The short size of the test program code is
because of the functions provided by the PixelEditor widget.
RheostatT : A round, dial-like valuator widget that may be used for
input or display of integer values. Vanilla and Motif
versions are available. It is a general-purpose valuator,
but is especially useful for displaying and entering
HdialT : A 'half-dial' valuator, displaying an arrow and a label
CanvasT : This widget allows a per-widget redraw and resize procedure,
with per-widget client_data for each procedure. This allows
the programmer to avoid writing a widget for a simple display
application such as displaying a pixmap with overlays. The
widget class takes advantage of the internal X Toolkit expose
compression capability to minimize the number of calls to the
redraw procedure.
ImageSelectorT : This widget displays a 2-D grip of Pixmap images, and allows
the user to select certain images vith normal click, shift-
click, region-select operations. Optional textual information
can be added to each image. This widget was originally created
to display the glyphs in a font for a font editor, but is of
general use for displaying several images, and allowing
FrameT : This widget can be used to to put one of four types of 3D
frames around other widgets (superclass: Composite).
BoardT : A widget that can be used as the parent for other widgets.
Children can be any size and anywhere. The `location' resource
also provides a more powerful way of specifying size and
position than the `geometry' (superclass: XfwfFrame).
LabelT : The widget displays a text of one or more lines, optionally
aligned with one of the sides (superclass: XfwfBoard).
Slider2T : The widget displays a thumb, that can be moved with the mouse.
Applications can use this to move or scroll other objects, via
callbacks (superclass: XfwfLabel).
Slider4T : The XfwfSlider4 thumb can also be resized with the mouse
(superclass: XfwfSlider2).
ButtonT : This is simply an XfwfLabel with a callback for mouse clicks
(superclass: XfwfLabel).
ToggleT : The Toggle button can be in two states, called `on' and
`off'. A tick mark normally indicates that the button is in
the `on' state (superclass: XfwfButton).